Grom, frothing at the mouth with wild bloodlust, recklessly charged into the clearly demonic gate. The guards nearby try to tell him that this is a gate to oblivion, the daedra home world, but Grom doesn’t care, seeing as how the only things coming out of this literal gate to hell are small, easily killable scamps.

Grom is approached by a guard who seems to have entered the gate, he mentions something about his friends being killed and that one of them may still be alive, and it’s up to us to save him.
I try to pay attention, but Grom goes charging off towards some huge, evil, tower. He discovers a fountain of blood and drinks from it.

I find this act to be terribly unsanitary; I mean drinking blood from your enemies is bad enough, but drinking strange blood, pouring from a fountain in HELL? That can’t possibly be good for you. Strangely enough, the blood does heal his wounds. Atop a tall spire, connected to a second tower Grom meets a Dremora Sigil Keeper, the dremora has this to say:
After Grom “axes a question” to the sigil keeper in regards to how one would close the gate Grom finds a shiny rock in the highest part of the tower, after claming the stone as his, the entire tower erupts into a massive fireball.
And after a flash of bright, white light, Grom is outside the gate to Kvatch. While exploring the ravaged city Grom FINALLY finds a bed to rest in.
And for the first time since being broken out of prison, scouring a goblin infested forgotten cavern, running for several miles, and a brief trip to hell, Grom has a chance to rest. He also, has a chance to write in his journal.
From the Journal of Grom:
“Deer gournil, it busy day for Grom. Other prisoner make fun of Grom again. NO ONE MAKE FUN OF GROM! GROM WILL HAVE REVENGE! Then emp- imp- king guy let Grom out of jail. Grom try get revenge but other prisoner not there, this make Grom sad. Grom decide to take shiny rock to king guy friend jeff. It long trip. Grom run long time. Then Jeff tell Grom run mor! But Grom not want run mor. Grom have nothing better to do, so Grom run. Grom find shiney door and gets to kill many tiny naked men. Grom like killing, then Grom find shiny rock. Grom like shiny rock. It busy day for Grom.”
After a good, long, rest Grom wakes up and wonders around town some more, and finally meets Brother Martin, and well, just look.

While on the way out of Kvatch, the captain of the guard tells Grom that the city still needs help being cleared of monsters but Grom just wants to get these agonizingly long fetch quests out of the way so he can finally make a god damn choice about what to do next. He’d choose to abandon this situation now, but some jerk won’t stop following him.
Next Time:
“Dinner later & The frozen North”
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