Where am I going with this you ask? Well, sometime after Grom left cloud ruler Temple and before he arrived back in Burma three things happened. Firstly, he found a small cave and in it a new axe, secondly, he entered and subsequently closed a second Oblivion Gate, and lastly he (and I) figured out that if you rub the oblivion stones on weapons (and maybe armor I don’t know since Grom is only wearing those robes) you can enchant them.
Why is this important? Well, Grom is now sporting new gear and some of you might pick up on that. Why did I omit such important details? The thing is I wanted Grom to leave Burma and actually start his own story, and I didn’t realize until now that when I omitted all the faffing about I did in Burma it happened to include the acquisition of two new weapons. In closing I’m worry for the mistake and I’ll try not to screw that crap up in the future.
Whew, anyway southward! TO ADVENTURE!

The first place of interest Grom comes across on his journey south is a, and I quote “Wood Door to Toadstool Hollow”. The reason I bring this up will become apparent all too soon.

Toadstool Hollow is a very strange place. Firstly, aside from the entrance/exit, Toadstool Hollow has no doors has multiple floors that only seem to be reachable via holes in the floor. Grom having no real concern for his personal safety when it comes to environmental hazards, happily leaps down them in explore this place further.

The second thing I find strange about this place is that aside from standard cave dwellers like zombies and rats there are also mud crabs here. The reason this is odd should be obvious, but let me explain just to be sure. They are MUD crabs. Mud crabs would, to me at least, mean they live in the mud. Seeing as how this is a CAVE and the cave is MILES away from any water I find it strange that mud crabs are in this place. Grom however, doesn’t seem to mind.

For a little while after leaving Toadstool Hollow, the sky turns an ominous red color.

”oooh pretty”
I think it has something to do with the oblivion gate close by. Grom don’t you think we should go investigate that?
What? Why not? Surely closing the gate can only have good repercussions, and I know that you’ll get another of those shiny hell rocks if you go there. Plus there’s adventure to be had!
Oh my god I’ve created a monster. A monster that only wants to go south, will you stop for anything that isn’t directly south of you?
Fantastic. Well, a little further south Grom comes across a marauder camp. With a few swings from his mighty axe he easily dispatches the camp’s residents. After adhering to the age old RPG adage of “swipe anything remotely of value from the dead, they don’t need it. They’re dead!” Grom (finally) makes some changes to his outfit.

You’re wearing that? I guess in order to understand these wardrobe choices; you have to think like Grom does.

”That about right”
Well, with a good night’s sleep and a new change of clothes, Grom continues his journey south. After a day or so of walking, Grom finds himself at a familiar location, the Imperial City.
Next Time, Part 6: This part didn’t happen
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