My Life in Tamriel: The Story of Grom
PrefaceI’ve been reading a lot of those “let’s play” Chronoblog articles lately, you know the ones where some one plays through a game and tells a story about the character they made and the world he/she lives in? Well, I’ve decided to do my own. However, before I can get into it I need to tell you a little about the character I’m going to use.

You see, Grom is a legacy character. A lot of Role Player’s have them, characters that they play whenever they get the chance, and Grom is mine. I first made Grom for a long D&D campaign way back in high school. Then he was just a frothing, crazy, half-orc Barbarian. He did have some quirks, like his massive greed, lust for violence, and near limitless cowardice whenever he was faced anything more powerful than a strong breeze. Over the course of that campaign, I grew to love the insane little bastard and would relish any opportunity I had to play as him. However, GM duties fell to me. So, I didn’t get to break out the Grom character for a while. That is until a little game called Morrowind.
The Morrowind Grom was much like his D&D counterpart however, due to a fun little item and skill combo I noticed (Sujamma for strength bonus, and Orc’s berserk fortifying attack) Grom picked up a very, very severe, drinking problem (problem for the guards that is). His story ended in Mournhold, where, drunk on about 50 bottles of sujamma, He picked up the legendary hammer in the epic weapons museum and broke it on a high guard’s face (he died). Grom was killed moments later in that museum by about 7 of that high-guard’s friends (gang beating bastards, if that hammer hadn’t broke I’d have killed every last one of them.). However, since oblivion’s story starts you out in jail; with a little ret-con action, and a dash of timeline ignorance, the story of Grom continues.
Now, before I start I want to lay down some ground rules.
1) All quest and story-based decisions are going to be made in character. If the game’s trying to get me to do a quest, Grom doesn’t want to do it’s not getting done.
2) I’m only going to go berserk if prompted, and while in berserk I can only punch (I’m jacked up and crazy, it just makes the most sense.)
3) NO INSTANT TRAVEL Grom can’t teleport, period.
4) All verbal threats from NPC’s will be met with murder, unless said NPC is noticeably stronger than Grom. He is a massive coward mind you.
5) Lastly, and probably most importantly, I’ll try to update this Monday, Wednesday, Friday.
Now without further ado, Let us begin the Story of Grom.
My Life in Tamriel: The Story of Grom
Part 1After my “incident” in mounhold I’m arrested and sentenced to execution. Then for some strange reason I’m transferred to a different prison, orders of some emperor or other, I’m transferred from Mournhold to Tamriel and placed in the last solitary cell in the imperial prison, I take my rage out on a nearby cup.
“Take that, Pottery!”There’s a really, really irritating man in the cell across the way, he’s lucky there’s two iron gates between us or I swear I’d beat his face to a pulp
“I swear, if I ever get out of here, I’m going to kill you so MUCH”You’ll never believe what happened next, the EMPEROR himself, comes into my cell. The man responsible for my imprisonment (ok, technically the theft and destruction of legendary weapons and murder of a high guard is responsible for my imprisonment, but he’s responsible for my imprisonment here.) and is he ever dead. He says that I’m the one he’s seen in his dreams (this explains the transfer) he proceeds to tell me that why I’m in prison isn’t important and that, well I’ll let him say it.
“What, WHAT?!?”Doesn’t matter, DOESN’T MATTER?!?! I BLATANTLY STOLE A LEGENDARILY HEAVY HAMMER IN BROAD DAYLIGHT AND USED IT TO KILL A HIGH GUARD! IT’S THE GREATEST THING I’VE EVER ACHIEVED! I’m going to kill you old man, the second you shut up long enough for me to do something I’m going to punch your octogenarian face in! I guess he’s trying to escape some assassins and get out of the city through a secret tunnel in my cell. He may be trying the escape assassins but he’ll never escape the wrath of GROM!
“GRRRRAAAAAHH”Ok, so apparently his elite body guards will stab me if I try to beat the emperor to death
“…jerks”This…didn’t go to well, so I guess I should try this again and maybe not try and kill the emperor.
My Life in Tamriel: The Story of Grom
Part 1 Take 2Ok, so this is the only time I’m going to do that. Die and reload I mean (and use it in the story anyway). But I guess ending the story about a minute into the game does not a compelling tale make. So, picking up from where we left off, that old bastard gets to live another day, after a brief skirmish with some assassins I manage to loot a neat sword and some pretty snazzy robes.
“Sweet threads right?”I’d use the sword, but axes are more my bag. So until I find one, I’m going to have to fist all my enemies into submission. Those Assholes just left me in this dungeon! But luckily a small passageway opened up and some rats come out. These aren’t the cute rats or the scared rats these are the bitey rats. A few punches and the rats die, now I’m free to explore this ancient cavern underneath the city hidden from the citizens for ages, I find a chest with 6 gold and an axe.
“Now we’re talking”Who left these here? I mean this is a forgotten cavern in a secret emergency passageway and someone just left a chest with 6 gold and an axe lying around? Well, I find a particularly hostile goblin, and after some murder (I probably stole his axe), I find some armor. It’s rusty iron, so in addition to being rather ugly, it also has a chance of giving me tetanus? I don’t think so; I’m sticking with the robes until I find something better looking. After exploring the cavern for some time, I come across a particularly interesting sight.
“Well what do we have here?”I guess these goblins are underground rat farmers. It’s the only explanation for why these rats are caged up, that or they’ve decided to start some kind of rat circus. After slaying the goblin leader, I run into the king and his guards again. The old man asks me what sign I was born under, and I tell him (It was warrior in case you’re wondering) they invite me to hang out with them for a little bit, and I am told to guard the emperor. Boy I’m moving up! I went from prisoner to royal bodyguard in one day! He tells me to take his amulet to some guy named Jaoufree. Well I have nothing better to do right now so, sure I’ll run your little errand. He’s promptly slain by assassins then some guy starts asking me what my skill set is. I tell him I’m a drunk and a murderer and he tells me to do what the emperor told me to do. And makes me run through the sewers to escape the city.
“Ahh sweet freedom”Now that I’m done with the tutorial I’m going to get fully into character.
It bright outside, Grom happy to no more be in prison. Me think that I should take the amulet to where the old man told me to go. But Grom want to sell all the heavy things I find in the dark place. Grom go to town and buy shiny new axe.
“Grom like new axe”Grom now ready to go….but then Grom remember that little squishy man who made fun of Grom while he in jail. Well, Grom not in jail now, and Grom know where squishy man is, No one make fun of Grom and live! NO ONE!
Next Time: Part 2: Jailhouse Blues